11 January 2017 – Don’t Hold Onto It

Each of us can focus on times in our lives where someone hurt us, did us wrong, falsely accused us, etc.
I can guarantee there will be more of those times in our lives.
There will also be times where you are the one hurting someone else.
Unfortunately , this is a consequence that comes with being human.
So when these times of hurt come into our lives what do we do, how can we move forward?
This verse gives the answer, you have to forgive!
Yes, you have to forgive that other person the way God has forgiven you for all the mistakes you’ve made and hurt you’ve caused.
But wait, you don’t know what that person did to me.
You are right, I don’t know the pain, sorrow and struggle that other person put you through.
And I’m not saying truly forgiving will be easy.
But what I am saying is you have to take this step to truly move forward down the path He has for you.
When you hold onto that hurt and don’t forgive, it starts to take your focus off of your true purpose and calling.
Instead of doing things that help you move forward, you are doing them with the intent of paying that other person back and making them hurt as you hurt.
While you may feel temporary pleasure from doing this, it is not lasting because you are moving away from who He is calling you to be.
If you are holding onto past hurts today, I ask you to start the process of forgiving.
Don’t let that pain you are holding onto continue to keep you from moving forward.
This is within your control, the choice to forgive is your choice to make!
It may be tough but once you truly forgive, you will feel the freedom to truly move forward!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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