10 January 2017 – Clear Your Mind

This morning I found myself struggling to write today’s message.
Normally, when I get up in the morning and I spend my quiet time in His word, the message comes right to me.
I know exactly what I’m supposed to write about and the words just seem to flow from my mind to my hand as I’m typing.
But this morning was different and the message wasn’t clear and the words wouldn’t flow.
I started to get frustrated and troubled wondering why I couldn’t focus.
And then it hit me, the problem was in my mind.

The message God had for me was there just as it is every morning.
I couldn’t hear it or receive it because my mind was too cluttered.
Instead of truly focusing on listening to and receiving the message, I had let my mind wander to all the things I needed to do today.
All of a sudden I’m thinking about work, things I need to do at home, the championship football game last night, etc.
These things prevented me from hearing what He was trying to say to me and it was when I realized that I was able to fix it.

How many of you can relate to this?
You have so much going on in your mind throughout the day that you can’t hear what He is trying to tell you.
You are so focused on the day to day activities that you forget to clear your minds enough to receive the message He has for you.
Those times when you are struggling and feeling lost and out of touch with Him, find a quiet place and clear your mind of the daily routine.

Let your mind open up to Him and His words for you.
This could be the thing right now that’s preventing you from moving forward down the path He has for you.
You are stuck, waiting to receive what He has for you but you can’t hear it becasue your mind isn’t clear enough to receive it.
Clear Your Mind!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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