8 January 2017 – You Are Chosen

Yes you! You’ve been chosen to make a difference, to impact lives, to live a purpose filled life!

I know for many that may be hard to believe when you look at where your life may currently be.
You’ve made tons of mistakes, you’re barely making ends meet and you don’t like where your life is right now.
But here is the thing, no matter where you are right now it has not diminished your purpose here on this earth.
That purpose is still there, your gift is still there, waiting for you to unleash it.
When you are chosen, as you have been. there is nothing that can take that calling off of you.

Now sadly, too many of us, leave this earth never tapping into that calling and living out our purpose.
That is not because they didn’t have a purpose, no it’s because they didn’t believe they had a purpose.
And because they didn’t believe they had a purpose, that they were chosen, they never pursued it.

I want you to understand this truth, you are special and you are chosen.
Yes, each and every person reading this right now, each and every person on this planet.
Each of us has been chosen to fulfill a specific purpose, to make this world a better place.
So don’t ever let anyone try to make you believe otherwise, stand firm on this truth!

I want you to start living your life with purpose if you aren’t right now.
Look into your heart and find those things you’re passionate about and start doing them.
Don’t think it’s too late in life! Don’t say you lack the talent! Don’t let negativity talk you out of it!

Those things have been placed within you by God for you to cultivate and use to be a difference maker.
I don’t want you coming to the end of your life realizing you never tapped into your purpose!
You have been chosen!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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