7 January 2017 – Who Are You Trying To Please?

This is a question I think each of us needs to ask ourselves as we pursue the goals we’ve set for 2017.
Are you pursuing these things to receive praise from someone else, or are you pursuing them because you know in your heart it’s what you’ve been called to do?

The reason I think this question is so important is that it impacts you achieving those goals.
If you’ve set goals for 2017 with the focus on receiving praise from or pleasing someone else, you could be setting yourself up for disappointment.
Why? Because human beings are fickle and something we praise today we could put down tomorrow.
So you pursue these goals with the intention of pleasing someone else and when you don’t receive the response you expect from them, you feel like you failed.
You no longer have the motivation to complete the journey because in reality it was never your journey.

Understand this, when you are truly pursuing the goals that He has placed on your heart, you won’t need to rely on human praise.
Your Father already loves you more than you could imagine, so your pursuit of these goals is not so you can receive more love from Him but so you can become a better version of who you already are.
The motivation comes from within because you are truly walking your path and completing your journey.
Each step you take, no matter how small it may be, is a success.

So move away from pursuing things for the praise of others and turn to pursuing things to become more of who He has called you to be!
If this means you need to hit reset on the goals you’ve set for 2017, then do it!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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