2 January 2017 – Peace of Mind and Heart

For many people, the start of a new year doesn’t bring joy and peace, instead it brings worry and doubt.
Their minds are telling them 2016 was tough, so why should I believe 2017 is going to be any different.

This type of thinking steals your hope and gives you no excitement for what the future may hold.
So you end up staying in the same routines, doing the same things, and not changing at all because you don’t believe it will do any good.
You have no peace in your heart and mind.

When doubt creeps in you need a solid foundation of truth you can lean on.
You need the faith and belief in something greater than yourself.
The faith and belief that you were made to be more, that you have a bright future ahead of you.
The faith and belief that you were made for a purpose!

Once you have that in your spirit, you will feel a peace of heart and mind come over you that transcends everything.
No matter what comes against you, that peace allows you to know that better days are ahead.
His peace strengthens you as you move towards living your purpose-filled life!

So if you are one of those people struggling with no peace of heart and mind right now, it’s time to take a look at the foundation you’re building your life upon.
Is it strong enough to support you through the tough times?
Does it lift you up, support you, and show you that you were made for so much more?
If not, then it’s time for a change!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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