
“Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:3‬ ‭NLT

Jen and I are wrapping up our visit to Charleston and preparing to head back to Virginia tomorrow with the little guy. I reflected today on the 3 weeks Jen and I spent without him, while he was here in South Carolina with the grandparents. One word I can use to describe that time is Reconnect. It was truly a time for us to focus on growing our relationship as husband and wife and as best friends.

It’s amazing how you can go through life, enjoying the blessings you have, but forgetting you still have to grow and nurture the relationships you have. Not only the earthly relationships you have but the vertical relationship you have with God. Each of these needs time and attention, time where you focus solely on them.

I understand how hard that can be at times with the busy lives most of us have. But I will tell you it is absolutely necessary to live the blessed life. The growth Jen and I experienced in our relationship over the past 3 weeks was truly a blessing. It would not have happened if we didn’t decide to make it happen by intentionally giving our relationship priority focus.

You have to make the decision to carve out time to reconnect in the relationships which mean the most to you, so they can grow. Reconnect with God! Reconnect with your spouse! Reconnect with your parents! Reconnect with your children! Reconnect with your best friend! And you also have to reconnect with yourself!

Life has a way of getting you so focused on the day to day grind you can forget about nurturing these relationships. Take the time today to assess where you are in your most important relationships. Is it time for you to reconnect? Today is a great day to start that process!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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