Who Will You Inspire Today?

“Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.”
‭‭1 John‬ ‭3:18‬ ‭NLT

I want you to take a moment to think back on what you did yesterday. As you go back through the memory of that day, I want you to think about the encounters you had with others. Were they positive or were they negative? Was there anyone you interacted with who left you feeling inspired and good about yourself? Was there anyone who would say they felt inspired and good about themselves after interacting with you?

Each day you have numerous encounters with other people. These can be face-to-face, over the telephone, through email and across social media. During each one of these you have the ability to inspire the other person. Did you know that?

Inspiring someone doesn’t mean you have to impact them with profound words. It could be as simple as waving thank you to the person who just let you over in traffic. Or something like acknowledging the cashier at the store or coffee shop you stop at by using the name on their name tag. “Good morning Kate, thank you and have a blessed day.”

These small acts of kindness could inspire them to pour acts of kindness onto others. These acts that some would call insignificant go a long way to impacting the attitude of others in a very positive way. Your one act of kindness inspires another act of kindness, then another act of kindness, and this goes on and inspires hundreds of acts of kindness. That is the power you have within you each and every day.

When you go out today I want you to reflect on that. During each encounter you have with someone else remember you have the power to inspire not only that person but countless other people you may never meet. Embrace that power and be an agent of positive change in a world that needs it so desperately.

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck



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