What Is Your Vision Statement?

‘Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you.” Proverbs 4:25 (NLT)

In his book, Christian Coaching – Helping Others Turn Potential Into Reality, Dr. Gary Collins states, “A vision is a clear picture of something we want to have exist in the future. It is a target we intend to reach.” Having a vision allows you to live your life with purpose. Your vision takes the passion God has placed on your heart and makes it tangible, something you can have in your life.

So many times your passions are viewed as something you can only live out in a dream. It’s hard for you to visualize living out what you are passionate about because so often it’s far outside of where you currently are. How often have you taken the time to reflect on what your vision is? What would your vision statement look like if you wrote it out?

I had to ask myself these questions as I started on the journey I’m currently on. I knew there was a strong passion inside of me to help people live the blessed life God has for them. I had to ask myself what would that actually look like, what would I actually do? The answer to that was my vision for starting my own life coaching business. From that vision I developed the following vision statement: Having a successful Life Coaching business enabling others to live out God’s purpose for their lives; while making enough profit to work the business full-time from home.

That vision statement gives me something to work towards. It gives me focus and direction for my efforts. This is the same thing that can be done with the passions God has placed on your heart. It doesn’t have to be something you only dream about. It can be turned into a vision and then a vision statement that you can focus on and work towards.

God didn’t place those passions on your heart for you to just dream about them. He wants you to put them into action, as only you can, for the purpose He has designed. Take the necessary steps to start living out your purpose!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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