Grow In Strength

Isaiah 40:29 (NLT), “He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.”

For each of you to run the race God has placed in front of you, your strength will have to grow. You may ask how you will gain that necessary strength. The answer is you will grow your strength through the tough times. Even though we tend to fear the tough times in our lives, those are the times God is strengthening us. During those times, you learn to lean on Him and as a result your faith strengthens, your resolve strengthens and your love strengthens.

I equate it to when I’m lifting weights. In order for my muscles to grow, I have to put them under stress and strain. During this time the muscles are being torn down so they can be rebuilt. I pour protein and vitamins into them to help them recover and become stronger than they were before. The end product is a much stronger muscle, better able to handle that stress and strain the next time around.

While running your race in life, you will face the stress and strain of trials. Sometimes these trials will tear you down. But God’s love and His word are the protein and vitamins you need to rebuild yourself into a stronger version of you. A version of you that will be better equipped to handle what life may throw at you in the future.

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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