You Need Others

Ecclesiastes 4:10 (NLT), “If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.”

I can do this on my own, I don’t need any help! How many times have you heard this phrase coming from the mouths of children. They want to show you how grown and tough they are by doing the task on their own. Often times, after they’ve struggled with it for awhile, they reluctantly turn to you for help. After helping them you reassure them that asking for help from others is not a sign of weakness. They should not be afraid to ask for help.

Somehow over the years you forget your own words and as an adult you go back into the mode of, “I Can Do It Alone”! You struggle through many of life’s problems: bad relationships, depression, work issues, low  self-esteem, etc. without ever asking for help. You feel it’s a sign of weakness or loss of control to reach out to someone else. Can I tell you that reaching out to someone when you need help is a sign of great strength and control. It shows you have the strength to put aside your pride and ask for help. You have enough control of your life to know you need to make a change.

You need others in your life to help you reach your goals. You need others in your life to help you in those times you feel stuck in one spot. You need others to walk alongside you as you travel down your path in life. God will place certain people along your path to provide the help you need to get unstuck, to heal and to continue down the path He has laid out for you. The key is you have to be willing to reach out to them and be open to accepting their help.

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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