Rejoice, Reflect, Rejuvenate

Proverbs 9:11 (NLT), “Wisdom will multiply your days and add years to your life.”

If you saw my Instagram post on Sunday, I encouraged each of you to spend the day doing the 3 R’s : Rejoice, Reflect, Rejuvenate. It’s a great way to end the week but I want each of you to make it a daily goal to practice the 3 R’s. I have incorporated the 3 R’s into my daily lifestyle and it’s made such a difference.

At the end of each day you should rejoice in what God has done for you that day. Just waking up in the morning is a blessing so you always have at least one thing to be thankful for each day. You should also take time to reflect on your past day. Take a look at both the positive and negative things from your day. Use this as a gauge to see what changes you need to make so the next day is a better one. Finally, you should rejuvenate at the end of each day. Take the time to refresh your mind, body and soul. This is important so you will be ready to attack the next day.

You may have to start out with practicing the 3 R’s once a week, and that’s okay. Once you make it a part of your routine you’ll find yourself wanting to do it each day. It will become so normal you won’t have to think about it. You will feel your life change as you Rejoice, Reflect and Rejuvenate each and every day. Try it today!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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