Free To Be

John 8:36 (NLT), “So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.”
Freedom is defined as the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. Some similar terms for freedom are: liberty, liberation, release and deliverance. How many of you are currently searching for freedom and deliverance in your lives? Freedom from physical ailments, freedom from abuse, freedom from addiction, freedom from the pain of loss, and freedom from your own negative thinking and negative self-image.

So many times you rely on other negative things to give you a feeling of temporary freedom. Things like alcohol, drugs, etc. become remedies you use to escape. But you are never truly free and your imprisonment feels worse and moves you further away from the path God has for you. The key to finding the true freedom you seek is the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

He has already paid the price to release you from the prison you’ve been in. His tremendous love for you did not change through the addiction, the abuse, the pain and imprisonment. You are free to become all God has called you to be. You are free to live the blessed life He has for you. Believe that and feel the love He has for you, let it heal you and make you whole. Feel Free To Be!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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