It’s About Attitude

Ephesians 4:23 (NLT), “Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.”

One of the things you can count on each day is that life will bring you frustration and irritation in some form or fashion. Yes, even though you’re walking with God those frustrations will come. The key for you each day is to know how you will handle them. Having a pre-determined response will help keep your emotions under control.

One thing that is a daily frustration for me because of where I live is traffic. The morning and evening commutes are tough and the traffic can be very unpredictable. I would get angry and frustrated each time I was in it. I have gotten better at my reaction to it because I changed my mindset. There is nothing I can do to change the traffic, it is out of my control. What I can change is my attitude towards it. While I admit I will never love traffic and still get annoyed by it, I now look at the extra time in the car differently.

It is more time with my wife and son when they are in the car with me. When I’m alone it’s time to reflect on my reading or the blog I wrote that day. It’s a perfect time to reflect on where God has me and where He is going to take me. It’s all about perspective my friends, no matter what the frustration you are facing. Change your attitude and you change the problem!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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