Pursue Your Passions

Philippians 4:4 (NLT), “Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again – rejoice!”

To have passion for something means to have a powerful or compelling emotion or feeling towards it. Think about those things on your heart which bring you overwhelming joy and satisfaction. Now, I have some questions for you. When you think about the things you are most passionate about in life, are you pursuing them? Are you passionate about the things you are doing? Take a look at where your life is right now and ask yourself if  your job, your hobbies, your pursuits are things you are truly passionate about?

God has placed certain things on your heart and mind He wants you to pursue and accomplish. He has equipped you to be successful in those things. He has a purpose for you and to fulfill that purpose you have to pursue those passions. It’s easy to get caught up in your day to day lives and not realize how empty you feel. There was a point last year where I had to ask myself some questions because I felt there was more for me to do. What am I pursuing in my life and why? Am I pursuing any of the things I’m truly passionate about or am I just going through life? The answer that came back showed me I was not fully invested in those passions God has placed on my heart.

I’m truly passionate about helping others to find their purpose in life through Christ. I’m passionate about helping others see and feel the love Jesus has for them. But I wasn’t truly pursuing those passions like I believe God wanted me to. Yes, I was sharing scripture verses and devotionals but I kept feeling there was more God wanted me to do. My passion was to do so much so why wasn’t I doing it. I had to make a decision at that point to either pursue  those things or stay where I was. I decided to start writing this blog.

Getting to that point was tough because there were many things causing me to hesitate on pursuing my passions. There were thoughts of self doubt. What do I know about writing a blog? I’ve never written before, this will fail? My schedule is too busy, how am I going to fit this in? The questions and doubts kept pouring in. I had to push them aside and realize they were just another tool of the enemy to keep me from the purpose filled life God has for me. A tool to keep me from pursuing the passions God placed on my heart. I needed to put my trust in Him and just step out on faith.

I can tell you it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Following this passion has led to such a feeling of fulfillment and joy. This has been and continues to be such a blessing. All those doubts and worries proved to be nothing. I know He has more in store for me and will open more doors for me to pursue the other passions He has placed in my heart.

So look at the passions He has placed upon your heart and if you’re not pursuing  them in some form or fashion, step out in faith and start. Take that small first step and watch the momentum build. The joy you will feel when you are doing the things you are truly passionate about is beyond measure!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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