The Difficult Path

Psalms 25:8 (NLT), “The lord is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray.”

I have to admit, like many of you, I like it when things come easy. I like it when I don’t have to put much effort into have something work out for me. It’s a nice feeling when those gifts just seem to fall into my lap. I’m talking about those surprise, immediate gifts that God places upon you without you ever asking or expecting it. It’s a testament to who our God is and how much He wants to bless us in our lives.

But here’s the thing you have to understand, there will be times when God doesn’t bring the gift in that fashion. There will be times when God places that prize at the end of a difficult path. Choosing the easy path will not be an option that gets you to your end goal. There will be some struggle involved for you to move forward to the next level God has for you. The big question for you is, will you follow the difficult path and endure the hardships to reach your goal?

How many times have you let an opportunity pass you by because you didn’t want to do something difficult? Think back on times in your life when you’re pursuing a goal, a dream, and a roadblock appears. Immediately you become disheartened because things were going along so smoothly. You may feel this roadblock is a sign you are on the wrong path, or you may not reach your end goal, so you think about quitting. But what if that roadblock was placed there to test you? What if that difficulty was placed there to grow you? The path that was easy is now difficult and you have two choices: push through it, or give up.

Sadly enough there are times in your life when you have given up, you took the easy way out so you wouldn’t have to face the difficulty. Instead of pushing forward to reach your goal, you gave up and your dream died right there. Even though you may believe God has given you a spirit to fight, you still gave up. You didn’t lean on what the scripture tells you in 2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT), “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”

My friends, don’t let difficulty in life keep you from achieving your goals. Don’t let the difficulties you face along your path deter you from moving forward. Remember that sometimes God has you on that difficult path to shape you and do a work in your life. Being on that difficult path causes you to rely more on Him instead of on your own strength and ability. In doing that you actually become stronger because you allow God’s power to work within you. Don’t shy away from the challenges of life, embrace them and rely on God to provide you the strength to push through.

The easy path is not always the path you will walk in life, but that’s okay because God gives you all you need to walk any path in life!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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