Being Accountable

Romans 14:12 (NLT), “Yes, each of us will give a personal account to God.”

The Life Journey devotional I’m reading had a very good teaching on what was called “Wasted Pain”. Basically that is the pain and struggle you go through where in the end you are not made better from it. Each time you go through a time of trial and pain, God wants to teach you something about yourself. He does this so you can grow more like the person He wants you to be. The pain, while uncomfortable and difficult, is a means to change your behavior in some form or fashion. But the only way you will make that pain useful is when you acknowledge your part in bringing the pain into your life.

The devotional pointed out that your friends and family can be a big reason why you aren’t growing from the pain. It’s not that your friends and family are intentionally keeping you from growing. No, they are doing what they believe is best in the situation. They give you support and love while telling you everything will be alright. That is great and something you each need to hear during those tough times. But often times, the thing that is missing is the reality check. That moment when those closest to you sit you down and talk with you honestly and openly about the situation.

In these discussions the tough love part comes out where your loved ones get you to focus on your part in bringing this pain. Now that is a tough discussion for any of us to have with someone we care about but it’s necessary. When I was going through my lowest moments in life, I had those people speaking that kind of truth to me. Yes it hurt and I wanted to get defensive, which is our natural reaction. But when I got through those emotions and was able to truly reflect on what was being said I owned up to my mistakes. I owned up to the character flaws I had that put me in the situation I was in. I could not have grown into the man I am now without that.

So think about the personĀ in your life right now who needs that kind of truth spoken to them. And it’s not an accusing type of truth, but truth spoken out of love and wanting to see that person grow. Will you be the person in their life that will speak that truth? And on the flip side, will you be open to someone you love having that kind of conversation with you if the time comes? Many times growth comes with pain, the goal for you is to come through that pain better on the other side. If you are willing to admit your faults and change what needs to be changed that pain will not be wasted.

God has an amazing life waiting for you on the other side of that pain and struggle! Allow yourself to be transformed by it!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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