The Power Of Your Mind

Romans 8:6 (NLT), “So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.”

Controlling our minds is easier said than done. Our actions in life are dictated by our minds through the thoughts we have. The thoughts themselves are shaped by the things we allow inside of our minds. Romans 8:6 pointed out, we can let our sinful nature control our minds or we can let the Holy Spirit control our minds. It’s what each of us allows to enter our minds that decides for us which one we are following.

So if it’s that simple why do we not just choose to let the Spirit guide our way? The answer is because we are human and therefore sinful by nature. There is a constant battle happening each and every day within each of us to keep our sinful nature under control. As it says in Romans 7:23 (NLT), “But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me.”

To win this battle you have to be very conscious of the things you allow into your mind. Growing up I heard it from my parents all the time, don’t watch certain movies or listen to certain songs or hang around certain people. I’m sure many of you heard the same things growing up. And as young people we didn’t understand why our parents were so focused on these things. Their life experiences already showed them the power these outside influences could have on your thoughts.

As an adult who has gone through some self-inflicted trials in my life, I can look back and see how my actions were dictated by my thoughts.  Over time those thoughts became a part of me and my actions. The more I let these negative thoughts lead my actions, the more my mind told me this was normal. Psalms 64:6 (NLT) displays this, “As they plot their crimes they say, “We have devised the perfect plan. Yes, the human heart and mind can be cunning.”

It is a constant battle we face and each of us has to acknowledge that. You must prepare for this battle by putting on your armor. The armor you have is not physical armor but the spiritual armor you find in God’s word. These words give you the gameplan needed to successfully fight this daily battle. The Lord has given us the Spirit within us and the Fruits of the Spirit to encourage and guide us. Remember, your internal Fruit Store is always open.

Dont be afraid to ask God for help as this war is being waged  Go to Him as in Psalms 119:69 (NLT), “O lord, listen to my cry; give me the discerning mind you promised.” This is a fight each of us can win!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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