
Proverbs 11:13 (NLT), “A gossip goes around telling secrets, but those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence.”

How many times have we seen the words of someone completely tear down someone else’s life? Over and over again you see it in your own lives, the lives of family and friends, or even in the media. Words are so powerful and so many times you fail to realize the power of your words. And with gossip you are repeating a story that is not yours to repeat.

Our goal should always be to lift people up with our words, not tear them down. Even if you know a fault or character flaw that someone has, it is not your place to expose that to someone else. This is especially true if the person is a family member or friend, someone close to you that you care about. You should be ready to help them through the situation in a loving and supportive way. You shouldn’t look to add fuel to the fire by spreading what you know to others. As it says in Proverbs 16:28 (NLT), “A troublemaker plants seeds of strife; gossip separates the best of friends.”

Gossip is something each of us can easily get caught up in if we are not careful. Take this scenario for example. You are with your co-workers or a group of friends and at some point in the conversation someone says, “Hey did you hear about so and so and what they did?” Immediately your curiosity is peaked and even though you know it’s wrong you stay and listen. Now you’re a part of the gossip. Soon after your speaking with another group of friends and that person’s name comes up and before you know it you release the info you just heard. And you may have said it with no malice intended but it now continues to spread. That’s how easy it is to get caught up in gossip and we all face situations like this daily.

Gossip has never brought value to anyone’s life. It has torn apart individual lives and families. What we fail to understand is if we are the one’s spreading the gossip the negativity of the gossip is also affecting our lives. When you participate in spreading gossip it is limiting your ability to receive all the blessings God has for you. God cannot release what He has for you when you are not walking the way He calls you to. No matter how small you feel the topic of the gossip may be, if it’s not lifting up the other person, you shouldn’t share it.

As followers of Christ, we have to show love for those around us. Spreading gossip about them does the total opposite. Don’t let gossip keep you from being all God calls you to be. Before you say something about someone else first ask yourself, “Will this uplift them or tear them down?” If it will not uplift them, then don’t spread it.

Ephesians 4:29 (NLT) says, “Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.”

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck


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