You Can’t Fool God

James 1:22 (NLT) “But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.”

I can think back in my life to many times as a child when I thought I could pull the wool over my parent’s eyes. You all have been there I’m sure, you think you are so smart and you can hide things from them. You make up stories to cover up the truth but in the end they always find out. And many times they already knew the truth, so the only person you were fooling was yourself. It’s amazing how parents can do that.

Our heavenly Father is that parent who knows all we do and think. But even still you try to hide things from Him thinking He won’t see. So many times you are still acting like the young child trying to fool their parents, not wanting to believe God already sees it, already knows it, and can’t be fooled.

This is one area that keeps so many of us from receiving the truly blessed life God has for us. You are holding onto things in your life that you need to let go of. These are things the enemy is using to keep you from receiving all God has for you.

I’ve had times in my life where I wasn’t walking the path according to God’s plan for sure. There were things I was doing that I wasn’t proud of but I kept doing them anyway. I seriously believed I could keep doing the things I was doing in secret, and that would be alright. But what I forgot during those times is God sees everything I’m doing. So while I thought I was getting one over on everyone, I was truly just hurting myself. As I look back at those times, I can see how my actions were keeping God from releasing all the blessings He had for me.

It wasn’t until I admitted what I was doing and confessed them to God that the direction of my life changed. It was at that time where my relationship with God would deepen. It was at that time I began to fully grow into the man God has called me to be.

How many of you are just a confession away from having tremendous blessings released into your life? God is waiting for you to confess some things you’ve been holding onto. He wants you to come to Him and receive His full grace and mercy. He wants to release His blessings upon your life.

My friends, it’s time for you to get aligned with God’s plan for your life. As long as you are holding onto those parts of your life that God needs you to release, He can’t take you where He wants you to go. Understand that God already sees what you are doing and He know what’s on your heart. So you aren’t fooling Him or pulling the wool over His eyes. The only person you are fooling is yourself. Here’s a key question to ask yourself today, Is what you are holding onto worth more to you than the fully blessed life God has planned for you?

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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