
Proverbs 27:19 (NLT),”As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.”

At some point during each day you spend some time in front of a mirror. Normally it’s first thing in the morning as you are getting ready for work, school, etc. You spend time in the mirror brushing your teeth, shaving, putting on makeup, doing your hair, etc. The reflection you see gives you an exact replica of what you outwardly look like. Seeing that reflection allows you to fix anything that’s out of order with your appearance. Now imagine when you look in the mirror what you see is a perfect reflection of what you are inside. This reflection shows what’s in your heart, your inner thoughts and your hidden secrets. If this is the reflection you see every morning, would you like it?

If your true reflection is in that mirror would you see things such as pride, jealousy, prejudice, hatred, selfishness, stubbornness, etc. I would bet that for every one of us one of these things would be reflected back. As it says in Psalms 119:5 (NLT),”Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your decrees.” I can tell you for sure that I would have some things reflected back I wouldn’t like. You are human and because of that you are going to fall into some things you don’t like. The question for you is what are you going to do about it?

The first thing you have to do is look a the true reflection of your inner-self, no matter how ugly it might be. Before you can ever fix something you have to first acknowledge it is there. This means you have to be honest and open with yourself to ensure you are looking at a complete reflection of yourself. It can be difficult and it can cause you pain to visit those places within that you would rather not go. But for change to happen, and for you to live as God calls you to live, it’s something you have to do.

Next, you have to do the things necessary to change the reflection. If I’m shaving and I look in the mirror and the reflection shows I missed a spot, I go back and fix it. So as you look at this reflection of your inner-self, you have to find those areas you don’t like and fix them. If you see hatred reflected back, then fill your life with more love. If you see jealousy reflected back, then start applauding the successes of others. If you see pride reflected, then add more humility to your life.

The only way for us to become better and do better is to take frequent honest looks at our inner-selves. Frequently, you need to look at the reflection of yourself and see if it lines up with your walk with God. If not, it’s time to start making the changes needed so the reflection in the mirror is one you can be proud of. More importantly, it’s one that God can be proud of.
2 Corinthians 3:18 (NLT), “So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord – who is the Spirit – makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.”

Truth in Love! ~ Chuck

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