Money, Money, Money!

Matthew 6:24 (NLT) says, “No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

There is a song from the 70’s by the O’Jays called, “For The Love Of Money”. I really love the lyrics in this song and one line in particular. “People don’t let money, don’t let money change you!” These words are so true especially in a day and age where money, or the lack of, seems to be at the focal point of everything. We see money causing so much frustration, problems and at times misery for so many. Why is that? 1 Timothy 6:10 (NLT) says, “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.”

For it is not the money itself that causes us the problem, it’s our love of money that does it. Or should I say our love of the things money can buy us is where we start running into problems. There is plenty of good that can be done with money that is highlighted throughout Scripture. Psalms 112:5 (NLT) says, “Good comes to those who lend money generously and conduct their business fairly.” And Ecclesiastes 7:11 (NLT) says, “Wisdom is even better when you have money. Both are a benefit as you go through life.” So money used in the right way can be such a blessing to us and those around us.

When your heart is not right and you fall in love with money and things you start down the wrong path. The enemy is bombarding us every day with radio ads and commercials telling you how you must have the next new thing. You are told you deserve the 75″ TV because the 65″ TV just won’t do, that’s last years model. You are told the car you just purchased last year has to be replaced because the new model has all these new gadgets and features. You get caught up in chasing things and using your money to get new things and you forget God’s purpose.

I love techie gadgets and new things so I completely understand how easy it is to get drawn in. Without a solid foundation to lean on you can see how easy it is to get overwhelmed. The next thing you know you are thousands of dollars in debt and now your focus is on making those payments you’ve incurred. The stress builds as the bills mount and your personality changes. You many even take on an additional job to make ends meet or help get from under the growing debt. You might even stay in a job you should leave but you stay because you can’t afford to leave. You are now locked in a bad cycle and you start to change yourself. All of this because you got caught in the ugly side of money. Sadly, this scenario plays out too often in far too many homes. Ecclesiastes 5:10 (NLT) says, “Those who love money will never have enough. How meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness.”

Don’t get me wrong, God wants you to have money. But God also wants you to do certain things with the money you are blessed with. One important thing God wants you to do is give a percentage of what He has blessed you with back to Him. Now the subject of tithing causes heated discussions among many and I could have a separate blog on that alone. I do know from personal experience when I am tithing as called to do, there are many blessings that come my way. God does say in Scripture if you are faithful and generous in returning a portion of what is His back to Him He will bless you. Malachi 3:10 (NLT) says, “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my temple. If you do, says the lord of Heaven’s Armies, I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try It! Put me to the test!”

God wants you to be generous with your money by helping those in need. He wants you to be a blessing so He can bless you more. He blesses you with more not so you can spend it all on stuff but so you can continue to bless His children in need. God knows if you can maintain this kind of focus when it comes to money that He can use you in an amazing way. So if you are struggling in this area make today the day you start aligning your view of money with God’s view of money. Watch what He will do!

Truth in Love! ~ Chuck



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