The Right Relationships

It is so important for us to realize how the relationships we have influence our lives and the people we are going to become. Yesterday at Church, Pastor Mark, taught us about focusing on relationships. He gave great examples of relationships we need to nurture. He also talked about relationships we need to move away from. Relationships that are keeping us from being all God wants us to be.

For those who are parents, you probably talk to your kids all the time about hanging out with the right crowd. You pay attention to who their friends are because you understand the impact their group of friends can have on their decision making. Each of us has probably heard the same things from our parents while growing up. Our parents understood, who we hang around can shape our future. Proverbs 28:7 (NLT) says, “Young people who obey the law are wise; those with wild friends bring shame to their parents.”

I don’t think any of us will dispute the impact friends can have when talking about children. We all understand they need guidance and help to make good decisions. But do we understand these same rules still apply to us as adults? We still have to be just as careful with the relationships we have and the people we allow to be influences in our lives. As it says in 1 Corinthians 15:33 (NLT), “Don’t be fooled by those who say such things, for bad company corrupts good character.”

It is true you make your own decisions in life. But those decisions we make are many times based on the influence of those we surround ourselves with, our inner circle. The core group of people we confide in whether its family or friends. When that core group we associate with doesn’t align with the beliefs we have or the person we are trying to become those relationships need to be evaluated.

I look back at the times I struggled the most in my life and the core group of people I associated with weren’t all focused on walking the way God calls us to. I wasn’t focused on that walk either at that time so hanging around with them wasn’t a problem. When I gave my life to Christ I understood some of those close relationships I would no longer have. I could not have close relationships with those who were trying to take me off the path I wanted to walk. They could no longer be a source of influence in my life.

Meaningful relationships are extremely important for you to have. God wants you to do life with others, it’s necessary for your growth and protection. It is very important for you to have a core group of people you rely on. But that group of people should be aligned with the direction your life is going. If you have people in your life who continually bring you down or try to take your life in a direction opposite of where God is calling you, today is the day to seriously evaluate that relationship. Is it worth your relationship with Christ to keep your close relationship with this other person or persons?

The answer to that question impacts whether or not you will be able to fully experience all God has planned for you and your life. The decision is yours my friends.

Truth in Love! ~ Chuck


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