It’s 2016 Now What!?

Good morning everyone and Happy New Year to you all!

When we all woke up this morning we realized we’ve been given another year to make a difference.
There will be many resolutions and many promises made to do things differently in 2016.
When looking back at 2015 we will see areas in our lives where we haven’t done as well as we wanted to.
We will find dreams that we didn’t accomplish and goals set in 2015 that were never met.
And we will either repeat these same goals or set new ones for 2016.
But have we ever sat back and thought about why we weren’t able to meet those dreams and goals?

If I look back on my 2015 there are several things that I know I want to do better in 2016.
Here are some of them.
I want to be a more loving and understanding husband.
I want to be a better father who has more patience, especially when it comes to the little guy.
I want to be a father who is more active in the lives of my older children.
I want to be more consistent and focused in the job that I perform.
I want to be more giving to those around me who I see are in need.
I want to be more of who God calls me to be by being in His word more, listening to His voice and loving like He loves.

I could go on and on but I’m sure we all have lists of similar things.
Right now let’s I focus on the last thing I put on my list because this is very important.
If I can accomplish that, if I can be more of who God calls me to be then guess what?
I’m going to accomplish everything else that I listed!
Wow! Is it really that simple? And my answer to you is Yes!!
If I am in God’s word, listening to His voice and loving like He loves then I will be a better husband, father, worker, and giver.

So before you start writing out the long list of things you want to do in 2016, begin by just asking the question, ‘Am I Being Who God Has Called Me To Be?’ I promise you that if you focus on this in 2016, all those other things you were going to write down on your list have a much greater chance of being accomplished. And if you’re sitting there saying, ‘I don’t how to be who God is calling me to be’, I have an answer for you. Let’s start with doing the three things I listed: Get in His word more; Give yourself some quiet time alone with God so you can hear His voice and most importantly of all; Start loving others like God loves you.

As we enter 2016 let’s make our first and most important action step to Put God First in our lives and in our family.
If you do this prepare to be blown away by how awesome your 2016 will be!
God has amazing plans for each one of us, we just have to believe and follow His word.

Truth in Love! ~ Chuck

4 thoughts on “It’s 2016 Now What!?

  1. God bless you Chuck for your inspiring thoughts and moments of reflections. I currently struggle with wanting to know what my purpose is. Life has been filled with many setbacks and disappointments yet, I remain faithful and hopeful. I purpose in my heart to stay focused in 2016 and with God’s help through reading His word, listening to His voice, much prayer and encouragement from people like yourself and others, I believe I will know what lies ahead for me. Depression will not be named among me this year, in Jesus’ name!

    Thank you for sharing!

    1. Angela, thank you for sharing and I pray the words continue to encourage you and help you to move forward into the life God has planned for you!

  2. Very nice. I was thinking about what you said on your facebook post today about how in doing what you do God reveals aspects of your life that you did not think of previously. I have noticed the same thing. When I started to serve youth in a “active” capacity, parts of my life unfolded that I did not even realize what there. God is so good through it all. Love this journey. God bless.

    1. Marcus that is awesome! It’s amazing how we think we know ourselves so well when actually we have only scratched the surface. God has so much more He wants to reveal in each of our lives if we just follow the path He’s laid out for us. I am enjoying my journey also brother. Keep moving forward in yours!

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