Today we dive a little deeper into the book, Crucial Conversations – Tools For Talking When Stakes Are High.
Enjoy the excerpt below and ask yourself, how do I handle crucial conversations?
The effects of conversations gone bad can be both devastating and far reaching.
Our research has shown that strong relationships, careers, organizations, and communities all draw from the same source of power – the ability to talk openly about high-stakes, emotional, controversial topics.
At the heart of almost all chronic problems in our organizations, our teams, and our relationships lie crucial conversations – ones that we’re either not holding or not holding well.
Twenty years of research involving more than 100,000 people reveals that the key skill of effective leaders, teammates, parents, and loved ones is the capacity to skillfully address emotionally and politically risky issues.
Individuals who are the most influential – who can get things done and at the same time build on relationships – are those who master at their crucial conversations.
For instance, high performers know how to stand up to the boss without committing career suicide.
As it turns out, you don’t have to choose between being honest and being effective.
You don’t have to choose between candor and your career.
People who routinely hold crucial conversations and hold them well are able to express controversial, and even risky opinions in a way that gets heard.
Their bosses, peers, and direct reports listen without becoming defensive or angry.
~Evolution of Self
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