(Today is question #4 of 7 from my re-reading of John Maxwell’s book, Good Leaders Ask Great Questions, along with an excerpt from the book. Take time to not only reflect on the questions but to answer them.)
4. Am I Adding Value To The Team
A Question of Teamwork
As a leader, I need to figure out what I can do to make my team better, to add value to the players and promote teamwork. Each day I try to do the following:
Promote Full Commitment
A team whose members aren’t committed is doomed to perform unevenly when the heat is on. That commitment must start with the leader and extend to the entire team.
If you are a leader, the true measure of your success is not getting people to work. It’s not getting people to work hard. It is getting people to work hard together. That takes commitment.
Create an Environment of Encouragement and Support
One of the nicest things about teamwork is that you always have others on your side. It’s pulling together, not pulling apart. But that often doesn’t occur unless there is an environment of encouragement and support. Leaders need to take responsibility for creating that.
Identify Adversity as an Opportunity to Develop Character
Teamwork is never tested during good times. You know how good your team is when adversity hits. It introduces you to yourself, and it reveals where you’re strong and where you’re weak. We often don’t like that, but the reality is that losses can be learning experiences if your attitude is right.
Consider Each Person’s Strengths and Weaknesses
If you are a true leader, you must take responsibility for helping your team to succeed. A big part of that is knowing what everyone’s strengths and weaknesses are and using everyone’s strengths to help the team win.
Good leaders are like good coaches. They know how to bring out the best in the people on their team.
~ Evolution of Self
#team #teamwork #goodenvironment #leaders #addvalue #wednesdaywisdom