Wednesday Wisdom!

(In my journey of re-reading John Maxwell’s book, Good Leaders Ask Great Questions, I came across the 7 questions good leaders should ask themselves. Over my next 7 postings I will share each of these questions with you through excerpts from the book. Hopefully, you will take time to not only reflect on them but to answer them.)

#1 Am I Investing In Myself? (A question of personal growth)

The most important investment you and I will ever make is in ourselves. That investment will determine the return that we get out of life. Three main factors come into play to determine if or how you will invest in yourself.

1. Your Self-Image: How You See Yourself
How do you feel about yourself?
Are you positive?
Are you negative?
It’s not what you are that keeps you from investing in yourself; it’s what you think you are – or are not.
You will never be able to bet on yourself unless you believe in yourself.

2. Your Dream: How You See Your Future
The size of your dream determines the size of your investment.
If your dream is large, you will invest in yourself to achieve it.
If you have no dream, you may not invest in yourself at all.

3. Your Friends: How Others See You
One of my most important growth decisions was to expand my horizons and find other people whose passion to grow themselves and help others was similar to mine.
If you have friends who light up your inner fire, you are very fortunate; they will make you want to keep investing in yourself and growing.
If you don’t, find some, because nothing is more important for your potential as a leader than your personal daily growth.

~Evolution of Self
#growth #investment #people #leaders #goodquestions #wednesdaywisdom

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