Monday Motivation!

(As leaders it’s very important to keep the fire burning within ourselves to help those following us down the path. But it can be a tiring journey. Excerpt below from John Maxwell’s book, Good Leaders Ask Great Questions, gives tips on how to sustain the energy.)

To stay energized and on course, leaders can sustain themselves by tapping into four areas:

1. Passion
Passion gives you two vital leadership characteristics: energy and credibility. When you love what you do and do what you love, others find it inspiring.

2. Principles
Successful leaders stay true to their principles – to their beliefs, gifts and personality. They don’t try to lead in a style that does not suit who they are.
It takes time for leaders to know themselves. The better you know yourself and the more true you are to yourself, the greater your potential for sustainable success.

3. Practices
If we want to sustain success – as an individual or a leader – we need to implement right and regular practices that help us to do the right thing day after day. Successful people do daily what unsuccessful people do occasionally. They practice daily disciplines.

4. People
The final factor for sustainability for leaders is the team. The people around you will either wind you up or wear you down. Even if you have only one person in your corner cheering you on, you can still lead successfully.
As you bring positive supportive people around you, look for…
Believers – people who believe in you and your vision.
Achievers – people who will contribute to the team with excellence.
Conceivers – people who bring good ideas to the table.
Relievers – people who complement your skills and abilities.

Just remember to tap into your passion, stay true to your principles, implement the right practices, and surround yourself with the right people.

~Evolution of Self
#team #leadership #sustainability #success #energy #mondaymotivation

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