The road toward your goals will not be a straight one. There will be curves and detours. Unfortunately, the detours cause many of us to give up on our goals. The detour takes you so far off the road you were on that you can no longer see the destination. It can be frustrating and demoralizing.
What if you changed your perspective and looked at the detour as a necessary part of your journey? You may not be ready for what lies on the road ahead and the detour gives you time to prepare. The detour is just what you need to reach your destination.
I can look back at my life and see the detours I’ve taken on different journeys and how the detours were necessary. Oftentimes there was some work that needed to be done within me before I could get back on the main road. There was a period of growth I needed to go through while on that detour. When I got back on the main road I was better prepared to reach my destination.
If you’re on a detour right now I encourage you to not give up. Use the detour as an opportunity to grow so you’re prepared when you get back on the main road to your destination. Have faith knowing the detour will still get you to your destination.
Evolution of Self!