This past week has been pretty amazing for me.
The two pictures you see accompanying this post say it all.
My publishing company sent me the front and back cover of the book for final approval.
That is the final step before the book goes to the printer.
It was surreal for me to see this particular journey of becoming an author so close to being realized.
I remember several years ago when I first felt the desire to write a book.
At the time it seemed like just a dream that I would have but never truly accomplish.
The usual questions came up.
What did I know about writing?
Where was I going to find the time?
What would I write about and where would the content come from.
All these questions and more played in my head as I contemplated whether I could actually do it.
These are the same types of questions playing through your heads right now as you look to pursue your goals.
What I will tell you is don’t worry about answering all the questions just move out.
Once I truly started to work on my book I found that God had already placed all I needed within me and around me to accomplish it.
Yes it took some work on my part but He had prepared me to achieve it.
Why? Because it was a part of the plan He had for my life.
It was a part of my purpose for being here.
I want to encourage you today to not sell yourself short when God puts a dream on your heart.
Don’t let the doubts in your head keep you from moving forward to accomplish it.
Know that He has already equipped you with all you need to fulfill it.
You just have to believe in yourself, use the things and people he’s placed around you and start doing it.
Remember, through Christ all things are possible!
Truth In Love! ~ Chuck