You Are Needed

Romans 15:2 (NLT), “We should help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord.”

Whether you like to admit it or not, there are times in life when you need help. You need someone else to assist you in some way. It could be help from a friend to get a ride home from school or work. You may need help finding your way around town or taking your groceries to the car. All of these are small ways you need help daily from those around you. Not only will you need help in your life, but you will be called upon to be that helping hand. One of the biggest ways God calls you to help others is in bringing those who are lost back to Him.

If you have been born again in Christ’s love, there are people out there who need to hear your story of how God’s love impacted your life. They need to know God’s love is real and tangible because at the moment they may not believe that. They may be going through something so tough it clouds their vision of God’s love. Your life and the way you live it is a testimony to the goodness of God and you need to share that. When the opportunities present themselves for you to be that type of blessing to someone else you have to seize that.

I’ve grown in this way tremendously in my life. In the past, especially when I was younger, I didn’t have time to help others. I was too fixated on my own life and the things I needed to get done. It was all about me and my needs. It wasn’t until I grew older that I started to realize it wasn’t all about me. But even then I was still a bit selfish with my time and my talents, in the regard of sharing them with others as God calls me to. It wasn’t until I truly brought Christ into my life that I realized what giving of myself for others truly means.

You see Christ gave us the perfect example of selflessness and living your life to better someone else’s life. As it says in 2 Corinthians 5:15 (NLT), “He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.” Christ died for me not so I could continue living for myself but so I could be a blessing to others. What better way to bless someone than to help them see the love God has for them. For them to understand and grasp the truly blessed life God has planned for them.

Each of you is needed to make a difference in this world. A positive difference in the lives of those around you, people you come in contact with each and every day. You are needed to help fight the negativity and evil the enemy spreads in this world every day. Your life is a blessing and you have the ability to bless so many others. Take time each day to truly understand that and live it! When the opportunity comes to reach out your hand and pull someone else up when they have fallen, do it. Do it with joy and love knowing our Heavenly Father did the same thing for you!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck


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