Friday Focus!

Good Friday to all! Today I’m sharing an excerpt from the book, Leaders Without Borders, by Doug Dickerson that focuses on the separation that happens when you start to focus on your dreams.

In leadership I have often wondered at what point you separate yourself from others around you, your competition and your colleagues, and move to a higher level.
What is the tipping point when a leader parts company with those around him – even when others have equal or greater talents?

The American Heritage Dictionary defines separation as “the place at which a division or parting occurs.” I believe this division or parting in leadership occurs as you identify these four processes.

Separation occurs as you embrace your dreams.

What separates you as a leader is when you embrace your dream and dare to act on it. When you dare to embrace your dream and act on it, you’ll never live a day regretting what could have been.

Leadership separation occurs when you excel with passion.

Passion is what keeps you up late at night and gets you up early in the morning. Passion is the driving force that transforms you from average to great. A leader breaks from the pack when he embraces his dream with a passion unlike anyone else.

Leadership separation occurs when you empower your team.

When a leader goes to the next level he doesn’t go alone. Rising to the next level is a team effort. Empowered team members will take you further than you can go by yourself. The more you empower your team, the further you can go.

Leadership separation occurs when you enjoy the journey.

I can’t imagine anything worse than not enjoying the journey as a leader. I have seen up close the effects of the rat race and how it robs one of enjoying the moment. One’s dreams, passion and team efforts means little if you are miserable.

Enjoy the journey; after all, getting there is half the fun. A successful leader will take himself and others around him on a journey of new possibilities when he leads from a heart of passion.

~ Evolution of Self
#leadership #journey #passion #dreams #team #separation #fridayfocus

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