Friday Focus!

(Today is question #2 of 7 from my re-reading of John Maxwell’s book, Good Leaders Ask Great Questions, along with an excerpt from the book. Take time to not only reflect on the questions but to answer them.)

2. Am I Genuinely Interested in Others?
A Question of Motivation

Someone once said, “People have two reasons for doing anything – a good reason and the real reason.” For you to be a good leader when dealing with people, the good reason must be the same as the real reason.
Your motives matter.

If you are a leader – or want to become one – you need to ask yourself why. There is a big difference between people who want to lead because they are genuinely interested in others and desire to help them, and people who are in it to help only themselves.

It’s easy for a leader to lose focus. That’s why I need to check my motives daily. I never want to put my leadership ahead of the people I lead.

If you have poor character, your motives will probably be bad. But if you have solid character, you can still fall prey to bad motives.
Motives are usually attached to specific situations or actions.
Character is based on values.

If you have wrong motives in a particular situation, but your values are good and your character is strong, you will probably detect where you’re going wrong and have a chance to correct it.

~Evolution of Self
#leadership #motivation #motives #people #fridayfocus

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