Friday Focus!

(As a leader, you can set up the pathway for those you lead to be successful but you can’t control the outcome. For this Friday Focus, I share a few reasons from John Maxwell’s book, Good Leaders Ask Great Questions, why people stumble on the road to success.)

When people stop growing, I find that it is often for one or more of the following reasons:

1. Choices
Many people make choices that limit them. In life, for everything you gain, you give up something. We can make choices that increase our potential or choices that take away from it.

2. Time
Many people have a short-term approach to success. They want it now. And even if they are willing to engage in a process, they usually have no idea it will take a long time. So they bail out.

3. Price
Many people think they can rely on talent alone to get them through life. But talent will not carry you to your potential. It’s only one part of the equation. Everyone who strives to reach his potential must pay a price – in time, effort, resources, and opportunities missed. Many people fail to pay the price that their potential demands.

4. Problems
Everybody faces problems, obstacles, and barriers. Some people let those things defeat them. They fail to think creatively when problems arise. They don’t have the tenacity to fight through them. Or they lack belief in themselves. Sometimes all people need is a little encouragement.

As a leader, I believe I have a responsibility to help people grow and reach their potential. However, I am not responsible for the outcome. I can do my best to set people up for success, but it’s up to them whether or not they do the work to be the best they can be.

~Evolution of Self
#success #people #leaders #leadership #keepgrowing #fridayfocus

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