How do you judge the significance of your life? Do you judge it based on what you individually accomplish in life? Or do you judge it based on the impact you’ve had on the lives of others?
It’s so easy to get caught up in the “I’ve got to reach the top at all cost” mentality because that is what you’ve been told makes you significant. Along the way you destroy relationships, step over and on people and lose your value system. Then when you reach the top you find yourself alone and unhappy.
What about changing the focus to an “I want to help as many people as I can reach their goals” mentality. Along the way you build relationships, you walk with people and your value system is rock solid. Then when you reach the top you find yourself surrounded by all those you brought along with you and everyone celebrates.
Decide today how you want to measure the significance of your life!
~ Evolution of Self!
#people #leadership #motivation #together #mentality #significance