When you look at people what do you see? The usual answer is you see exactly what the person is showing you at the time. You then judge the person based on that perception you’ve established. You view them as you currently see them.
Often it doesn’t go beyond that point because you don’t take the time to look deeper. The busy nature of our lives prevents us from developing the relationships needed to see the potential in others. At least that used to be the case, because our current situation has now caused so many of us to slow down.
We now have the time to develop deeper relationships with those in our lives. This includes our spouses, children, co-workers, and friends. Who within this group needs someone to see them beyond who they currently are and as the person they could be? Who within this group needs someone to see and draw out their potential?
When you treat someone at the level of their potential you are showing your belief in them. This gives them belief in themselves which allows them to grow into their full potential. Sometimes all we need to grow beyond our current self is someone to show us the potential within ourselves that we cannot see.
Evolution of Self!