This quote from John Maxwell comes from his book Leadershift that I’m currently reading. It talks about the battle within us when we’re growing as a leader and we have to leave what we know for the unknown. There is a tension there when we move from stability to opportunity.
I’ve seen this play out in my life many times. In order to seize an opportunity I would have to move from the comfortable to the uncomfortable. I must admit there were times when I let the tension of the moment keep me from pursuing the opportunity. I chose stability because I was afraid to test the unchartered waters. I lacked the faith to move forward.
Faith is needed to lessen the tension when those moments of choice come. Faith in the abilities and gifts I’ve been blessed with. Faith in the path I’ve been called to walk. Faith in knowing that I never take the journey alone.
What choice are you dealing with today that is creating the tension between stability and opportunity? Is your faith where it needs to be so you can grow through the opportunity in front of you?
Evolution of Self!