As we come to the end of Thanksgiving week, I want to give thanks to the family and friends that make up my Circle. These are the people who help keep me on track and can speak truth into my life. Without them I wouldn’t be the man I am today and it would be difficult for me to continue growing into the man I want to become. I don’t need to list them by name because they know who they are.
As we walk this journey called life, we all need that group of people we can confide in, who have the ability to correct us when we veer of the path and celebrate with us when we reach a milestone. These are people you take the time to develop true meaningful relationships with. This group is not powerful because of the number of people you have in it but because of the depth of the individual relationships.
So today give thanks to those in your Circle for without them your journey through life would be a lot tougher. If you don’t have this type of Circle in your life then I encourage you to take the time to develop these types of relationships. They will provide value beyond measure!
Evolution of Self!