I have a birthday coming up later this week and it’s always a time of reflection for me. I like to look back on the journeys life has taken me on during the past year and reflect on how I’ve grown because of them. It’s a great exercise for me because it reminds me to embrace the journey while I’m on it and not just focus on the place I’m trying to get to. It’s too easy to just focus on the end goal while missing the lessons along the way.
It’s one of the reasons I love taking road trips. We drive on most of our vacations and I enjoy the getting there as much as the final destination. I embrace the conversations that are had, the experience of driving through new places and the growth that always happens. Some of the biggest growth events in our lives have come as a result of the conversations had on these road trips.
Think about the journey you are currently on in your life. Are you so focused on that end goal that you fail to embrace the growth that’s happening within you? Is the journey so difficult that you can’t see the lessons being taught to you along the way?
We are all on some kind of journey in our lives right now. We must learn to embrace the learning and change that comes from it as much as the end result. It is through the journey that we become the people we are called to be.
Evolution of Self!