James 3:2 (NLT), “Indeed, we all make many mistakes. For if we could control our tongues, we would be perfect and could also control ourselves in every other way.”
Emotions are something we all have to deal with. Emotions are a part of who we are as human beings. To be able to feel love, joy, sadness and even anger is a part of the human experience. For us the trouble comes when we let our emotions control us. This is particularly the case when our emotions cause us to lose control of our tongue.
How many of you have said something to someone that you later regretted? Each one of you should raise your hand because we all have done that. And if you look back on that situation, I can bet there was some type of emotion involved. Your emotions got the best of you and your tongue took care of the rest. How do you control your tongue?
The key to controlling your tongue is to control your emotions. Before you speak ask yourself if what you are about to say will lift this person up the way God wants me to? Am I speaking to them as if we are brothers and sisters in Christ? If the answer to these questions is No, then hold your tongue. Better to control your tongue in that moment than to live full of regret later!
Truth In Love! ~ Chuck