Life Coaching

What Is Life Coaching?

The International Coach Federation (ICF) defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” Coaching is not counseling. Counseling focuses on problems and frequently considers the past; coaching focuses on possibilities and looks at where people want to go in the future.

What Is Christian Life Coaching?

In his groundbreaking book, Christian Coaching: Helping Others Turn Potential into Reality, author Dr. Gary Collins describe Christian life coaching at it’s core as the “practice of guiding and enabling individuals or groups to move from where they are to where God wants them to be.”

Why Do People Hire Life Coaches?

There are several reasons why someone would hire a Life Coach to include:

1. People hire a coach because they feel stuck and don’t know how to move forward.
2. People hire coaches to understand and act upon specific goals/dreams/visions toward which they feel drawn.
3. People hire coaches to improve time management and organization, or lose weight and improve health practices.
4. People hire coaches because they hold a deep desire for richer, more fulfilling, more God-honoring growth in their lives.

Why Would You Hire Me?

1. I am extremely passionate about helping you reach your goals in life following the path God has for you, it is my calling.
2. I have over 20 years of experience mentoring, leading and coaching men and women.
3. I believe you have God-given gifts and abilities to move you forward in life and I will help bring them out.
4. I work with people from all walks of life.
5. I customize the coaching sessions to fit your schedule, needs and goals.

Schedule your free initial life coaching session by filling out the Contact Form